Born out of D&D’s OGL debacle, Kobold Press is now building its own version of the 5E rules that Wizards of the Coast has nothing to shake with.”
With “Tales of the Valiant”, Kobold Press is establishing another DnD alternative alongside Pathfinder 2 and has quickly raised over one million US dollars on Kickstarter. USD 115200 to be exact. That’s amazing! Here is the link to the Kickstarter page for Tales of the Valiant.
The real mini-news: You can now sign up for the launch of the planned Game Master’s Guide to be informed when the Kickstarter kicks off in January 2024.
Take your 5E games beyond the basics with the Tales of the Valiant Game Master’s Guide!
Lay hands on a suite of tools to customize, modify, and build entirely new options for your table, so get ready to craft the perfect monster and populate your dungeons with truly devious traps. Whether you need help building a world from scratch or mechanics for trekking through ever more fantastical realms, the Game Master’s Guide has everything you’re looking for.
Don’t miss the launch of this exciting third book in the Tales of the Valiant RPG trilogy to Kickstarter!
Sign up now to be notified on Game Master’s Guide launch day in early 2024.
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